Breast cancer is a highly treatable disease with survival rates now at 85 percent. Since early diagnosis is an important key to successful treatment, doctors say it is important that all women over the age of 18 have a breast self-examination (BSE) every month, two or three days after their menstrual cycle.
Breast cancer is a highly treatable disease with survival
rates now at 85 percent. Yet more than 212,000 women are diagnosed with the
condition each year.
Since early diagnosis is an important key to successful
treatment, doctors say it is important that all women over the age of 18 have a
breast self-examination (BSE) every month, two or three days after their
menstrual cycle. Additionally, women ages 20 to 39 should have a clinical
breast examination at least every three years, and women ages 40 and older
should have a mammogram every year.
For the past 10 years, BMW of North America has hosted
the Susan G. Komen has worked with the Breast Cancer Foundation – the largest
fundraiser for breast cancer research in the US – to help spread the message of
early detection and help ensure breast cancer research continues. Continuing.
The groups' Ultimate Drive program has raised millions to finance the efforts.
The initiative, entirely underwritten by BMW, involves
two fleets of specially badged BMWs undertaking a cross-country trek, stopping
in communities along the way to host day-long events. People will be invited to
test drive the cars to raise funds for breast cancer research, education and
screening treatment programs – at no cost to participants.
The car company donates $1 directly to the Komen
Foundation for every mile driven, along with other proceeds from the program.
At the completion of each drive, each participant adds their name to a
signature vehicle – this year, a BMW 3-Series.
This year's goal is to raise more than $1 million,
bringing the program's 10-year total to more than $10 million. To help
celebrate the initiative's 10th anniversary, the 240-stop cross-country trek
has been expanded to include Alaska.
People can test cars to help fight breast cancer. They
can also:
- Regularly conduct BSE, undergo clinical examinations and mammograms
- stop smoking and stress
- exercise more
- cut down or reduce their alcohol consumption
- Watch their diet. Try to eat plenty of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, grains, fresh fish and poultry.
What to do to prevent cancer?
- Try not to drink smoking, tobacco, betel nut, gram, paan, masala, gutka, liquor and so on.
- Eat nutritious food rich in vitamins and fiber (green vegetables, fruits, grains, pulses).
- Wash and eat food containing pesticides and food safeguarding synthetic substances.
- Do not eat food that is fried, roasted, prepared in repeatedly heated oil or preserved with excess salt.
- Keep your weight normal.
- Do regular exercise and lead a regular life.
- Contribute to creating a clean, pollution-free environment.
- To diagnose cancer in the initial stage, pay special attention to the following things
- White spots or recurring sores in the mouth.
- In the event that there is a bump in any organ or some portion of the body, have it looked at right away.
- Women should check their breasts every month after menstruation. Learn from a doctor how to check their breasts.
- Draining between two periods or after feminine cycle has halted is an indication of risk. Get a Pap test done.
- Do not allow any abnormal changes in your body or health to persist for a long time.
- Keep getting checked regularly and contact your doctor immediately.
- Remember – complete treatment is possible only when diagnosed in the early stages.
How much does breast cancer treatment cost?
In any case, the typical expense of bosom disease
treatment in India is Rs 700000. The minimum price of breast cancer treatment
in Hyderabad is Rs 1,50,000 and maximum is Rs 3,60,000.
Can stage 4 breast cancer go into remission?
Can you survive stage 4 breast cancer? Although there is
no cure for metastatic breast cancer, it is possible to manage it with
treatment for several years. Cancer can also be cured.
What is the achievement pace of radiation treatment for
bosom malignant growth?
It is completely safe because the radiation is highly
targeted, no other organs or tissue are ever at risk. The cosmetic results are
tremendous, you do not need new breasts or reconstructive surgery. And when
detected early, the success rate is 95%.
Will breast cancer be cured?
Yes, this breast cancer can be treated in its early
stages. Therefore, it is most important to identify it on time. In advanced
stages, we can improve the survival period but a complete cure may not be
How many years does a cancer patient live?
Although there is no age limit for cancer, but if medical
science is to be believed then breast cancer can be diagnosed at the age of 62,
colorectal cancer at the age of 67, lung cancer at the age of 71, prostate
cancer at the age of 66, uterus Breast cancer is likely to occur at the age of
50 and ovarian cancer is likely to occur at the age of 63.
What is the last stage of breast cancer?
Stage 4 Bosom Malignant growth
In Stage 4 breast cancer, the lump spreads to the bones,
lungs, liver and brain but you should not panic, nowadays due to advanced
treatment the patient can keep it under control but for information about this
you must consult your doctor.
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